EECP vs Bypass surgery & Angioplasty

You must be quite familiar with conventional surgical procedures such as angioplasty and bypass surgery. Now, let’s compare EECP with those procedures and see for yourself all the benefits of natural bypass EECP over conventional ones.


  • Side-Effects
    Well, the good news is that there is no major side effect of EECP, unlike surgeries where you will experience breathing problems, allergic reactions, blood clots, bleeding, high risks of infection, etc. The only thing with EECP is that people with soft and sensitive skin may experience mild abrasion in the legs due to the cuffs, which will go away in a couple of hours.


  • Criteria
    When it comes to eligibility, the only criteria that EECP requires is ‘Well being’. One can take this therapy irrespective of age and gender. While angioplasty and bypass surgery are specifically for heart patients with coronary blockage.


  • Hospitalization
    EECP is an outpatient non-invasive treatment so you do not have to get admitted to the hospital to get it done. You just have to attend 35 sessions of 1 hour each per day, and that is it. On the contrary, to undergo any kind of surgery, one has to get admitted and stay in the hospital till your condition improves, which can take up to several days, weeks or even months.


  • Cost & Results
    The cost of this treatment is way less than invasive treatments. It is not only cost-effective, but it also shows positive results, whereas in invasive procedures the results are unsure as to whether or not the patient’s condition will improve.