What is EECP?

Commonly known as EECP, it is a therapy that focuses on increasing the flow of blood to the heart. EECP means Enhanced External Counterpulsation which helps in pumping more and the right amount of oxygenated blood to the heart. This therapy is approved by the government of India, FDA and is mentioned in cardiology guidelines in various countries.

This is suitable for people who are experiencing angina. When the body of such patients stops responding to treatments and medication, it’s time to turn to EECP therapy. This non-invasive outpatient treatment involves no usage of surgical instruments in the body which means no pain, no anesthesia and no invasive procedure. 


What is Angina?

When speaking of heart conditions, Angina is a concept that one needs to understand and take it seriously. Angina is a type of chest pain that is caused by the scarcity of blood flow in the heart. More than 100 million people around the globe are affected by this medical condition. It is also a symptom of coronary artery disease, one of the leading causes of death in the world.

Another reason to take it seriously is it can be of various types, such as:

        ♡ Stable Angina: It usually occurs when the heart is stressed out. It usually follows a pattern

        ♡ Unstable Angina: It is an unpredictable type, and it does not follow any specific pattern.

        ♡ Variant Angina: Occurs when while resting, overnight or early morning.



We are custodians of our own bodies, so preventing angina and reducing the risk of heart attack via EECP is the best medicine out there. New studies have shown that medical practitioners and physicians are recommending natural bypass over open heart surgeries as the safest measure to cure anginal and coronary artery diseases.

